Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Henry Weinhard's Root Beer

Like love, life is a many splendid thing, and what better way to enjoy it than with a nice cold bottle of root beer?
Henry Weinhard's Root Beer was first brewed during prohibition. This beverage was intended to provide an alternative to the beer drinking loyalists who could no longer get their fix. Apparently this actually did become a very popular alternative and even post-prohibition enjoys great popularity.
I personally discovered it at Meijers when I saw that the store apparently had an 'Old-Fashioned Root Beer' section. While the section itself fell short, I did notice several six packs of Henry Weinhard looking up at me. Trying new tings is good, right? And so is root beer. I bought a pack although it was actually a relatively long time before I tried a bottle.
For anyone who has ever read the Pendragon series, it was somewhat like trying a sniggers for the first time. It wasn't disgusting or anything, but it really didn't seem like anything special. But hey, root beer is root beer and I didn't have anything better, so I kept at it. My sips gradually began evolving into gulps, and next thing I knew I was down one bottle.
I wouldn't say that the taste grows on you so much as it takes a gulp or two to realize that you like it. It had a very full taste and was not sickly sweet. I did not regret drinking it due to the fact that it actually has a very delicious aftertaste. It is quite refreshing to not drink something excessively solely to mask the fact that it is not good.
All in all this was a very full-bodied root beer. Not too sweet, not too sharp, and greatly appealing to all corners of the mouth.

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